Considered as one of the historical works of the presence of Germans in Togo at the beginning of the 20th century, more specifically during the First World War, the Kamina site at Atakpamé in the Ogou prefecture has for some time returned to forgotten and ignored by the younger generations. Aware of this sad reality of the disappearance of a section of German history in Togo, the “Platform for the Kamina Artists and Researchers’ Residence (KARP KAMINA)” with the support of the Goethe Institute and other partners, ‘is given the mission to rehabilitate this historical and tourist site that is Kamina through artistic residences over a period of ten (10) years. KARINA platform KAMINA was launched last Friday, July 13 in Lome during a press conference. Planned over a period of ten (10) years, the project KARP KAMINA aims to make visible the invisible history and gradually rehabilitate the site by turning it into a major center for artistic and historical research where all artists of all domain and art historians from around the world may pass for a research residency. According to Constantin Alihonou, visual artist and coordinator of this project, there are vestiges that are there on the site but that residents benefit to fly and sell them. “We want little by little to see how much we can protect those vertigo, rehabilitate what is feasible for ten (10) years,” he said. “The place is a place that inspires,” said Alihonou. This project, which is in its 3rd edition, will take place during this year 2018, during the month of November and will bring together a score of national and international artists as well as two (2) Experts; one in anthropology and the other in history. The particularity of this year is the presence of two (2) experts. The expert in rehabilitation to do the inventory, see what there is to rehabilitate, how much it will cost us. In addition, the expert in history who will make the history of Kamina. Several activities are planned during this 2018 edition, namely conference-debates, exhibitions, theaters, music, dances, excursions, ….
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